
Friday, April 9, 2010

With the sun comes the wind

I love trying to decipher the weather forecast each day.
I'm pretty good, when it calls for breezy, that means anything less than gale-force winds. When it calls for windy, you'd better tie down everything, including small children.
It doesn't stop me from enjoying my sandals and flip flops as long as it's above 50. Thursday was touch and go. I work sandals to work, but when I ventured to the barn, I donned shoes.
I've been working on some new spring jewelry designs and just got a new order of glass delivered.
I'm as excited as a kid at Christmas. It was a totally awesome day, I got three packages at work. Of course, two were just toner cartridges and the other was a new battery for a power supply backup, but in my job, those things are exciting.
When all works well, everyone likes me, when things aren't going so well, like not being able to print for lack of toner, I'm on the bad list.
This time of year, I'm torn between wanting to be outside playing in the dirt and working in my studio creating new jewelry.
The jewelry designs will be taking a backseat for awhile as things are beginning to peak through the ground.
Along with the plants in my garden are numerous sprouts of grass. I need to get busy or I won't be able to keep up. This happens just about every year as I also have a tendency to want to play golf when it's nice.
Maybe I'm just getting older, but it seems that the wind blows more often than it used to. Maybe I just didn't notice as much in my younger years, but the last couple of years, I've been driven inside by high winds.
I know there was a beautiful day last week and I played golf all afternoon, without a hat, which isn't normal for me.
I didn't realize until later, I had quite a sunburn on my face.
I'm paying the price for that as it has begun to peel.
I vow to wear my hat now at all times while outside.
I have little seedlings taking up shelf space in my studio/garden shed. They lean toward the closest ray of sunlight they can.
My studio/garden shed has a window in the door on the west and two windows on the north, not the best for starting seedlings, but it seems to be working for the most part.
The grass has become quite green during the past week and I've seen numerous daffodils blooming all over town.
It's good to see new growth after everything was buried under so much snow for so long.
We bask in the bright sunshine. It warms our weary bones, until we catch a breeze.

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