
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Where did summer go?

I can't believe I'm getting ready for my second show of the season already. Apparently the late start to the summer has everyone rushing to catch up, myself included.
I had several things going on this summer, plus my studio isn't air-conditioned, something I hope to resolve before next summer, so I didn't spend a lot of time out there until the past few weeks.
I'm playing catch up now and trying to get some of my new items finished for the Covered Bridge Festival in Winterset, Iowa this weekend.
I'm scheduled to be on the south side of the square, so stop in and say hi, if you're in town. I'll have some of my new pieces for fall there and of course, my new line of fused glass belt buckles.
Hopefully, the weather will hold and everyone will have a wonderful time.
I've learned something very important through this year's heat spell, when the humidity is that high, nothing remains unaffected. I'm still finding things in my studio that are either rusted or ruined from the high humidity. Thus, another reason for an air conditioner to help eliminate the extreme temperature fluctuations.
All is well, now, I've recovered and only lost a few items. I'm always hurrying around at the last minute trying to put the finishing touches on something, but I promise to be set up and ready to greet you when gets open Saturday morning.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Some new designs for 2011

Black and purple fused glass mounted on a vintage candle holder
Saphire fused glass set in sterling silver on vintage spoon bowl

Sterling silver double hearts
Sterling silver hoops with black swarovski stones

Sterling silver small heart
Clear and black crackle glass

Sunday, January 30, 2011

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February Shows

Here we are starting the month of February. Most people, myself included, find February to be a rather boring month. It may have fewer days, but it seems to take forever to get through the month.

I hope having two shows this month will help break up the dull dreary days.

It's nice having a few extra minutes of sunlight in the evening, but we all know that will come to an end when daylight savings time starts again.

I've got a few new pieces made for the February shows.
I've posted a couple.

The first show is Saturday, February 5th in the lobby at Maple Street Memories from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
I'll have a full display as will Amy Perkins with her Scentsy and newly added Tastefully Simple line of products.

We will both have some Valentine's special so hope you stop by.

I'm also marking down some inventory 20% to 50% in order to make room for new designs I have in mind.

The second show of the month is Saturday, February 19th from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. in the St. Malachy School gym, 403 W. Clark St.

With at least 21 vendors, door prizes, coffee and cider for customers, it's worth venturing out.

I've made a few new bracelets in different styles as welll as sets and single pieces in sterling silver.

I don't seem to run out of ideas, just time. I had to take some time and clean house. Not exactly my favorite thing, I'd rather have been in the barn.

So, since I've got you all caught up to date on Fabulous February, hope to see you all!

Take care,


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Brrrrrrrrrr, I'ts Cold Outside

Well, it's cold outside, but I've got some really hot ideas. It's early in the year, but I feel like I've already reverted to one of my old habits of procrastination. I've been ready to start a new piece in bronze since last summer, but haven't started. It's now becoming my new obsession. I've had several ideas of what I want to make, but I haven't made a definite decision.

I want this new design to be bold and make a statement without being overdone. Sometimes, that puts you on the edge of what you envision and what your end result turns out to be.

Sketching designs isn't always how I start, sometimes I just get an idea in my head that I think would look good and I start. That's the method I call "flying by the seat of my pants." It isn't a good method and it often results in disaster and disappointment.

We're finally getting our first taste of winter here in Iowa. I could have gone without it after last year, but oh well, as they say, "this is Iowa, wait a few minutes and the weather will change."

I was watching snow blowing across the already drifted back yard, when I noticed the little swirls within swirls. Now, I don't think this is the way it always is, it depends on the direction the wind is blowing. I tried to duplicate what I saw. what I came up with is something that looks like it could be ocean waves, or snow, or sand, or whatever you can imagine.

Now I get the drift of visualizing designs in another form before you start working on it. I've been skipping the step, but now I can visually understand what I see and where I can take it. My next big decision is whether or not I'm going to use this design in bronze or silver.

Hopefully, I will decide, design and have it to show by my next blog spot. Until then, stay warm and safe and if you are venturing out on the 5th of February, I'll be having a show in Creston, IA at Maple Street Memories, 222 N. Maple St., the greatest scrapbook store around!!

If you'd like to sign up for my monthly newsletter, send an email to me at: barnartstudio@gmail.com

Val Allen
Barn Art Studio